Different Types of Mold Testing Techniques Explained

There are typically four techniques of mold testing available to all mold assessors and inspectors. These levels include: non-intrusive visual inspection, swabs, tapes, bulk samples, air sampling and intrusive. A non-intrusive visual inspection is considered the lowest level of confirmation of mold, however, when visual confirmation cannot be made, the next level of confirmation of mold would be … Read more

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How to interpret your mold air sampling results

Due to popular demand, we have now added a service to interpret mold results for clients all over the globe. We provide review, interpretation and recommendations based on your mold results from other vendors and contractors. If you would like to engage this service, please use the contact us page or the link below to … Read more

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What to do when mold is discovered during your home inspection

Most home inspectors are trained to discover signs of a mold-like substance during their inspection of your property. The typical locations where mold can easily be discovered during a home inspection is within attics and basement areas or wherever water and plumbing leaks can happen, such as bathrooms. A good home inspector will not only … Read more

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Dust Mites, Mold and Your Indoor Air Quality Health

Dust mites are microscopic arachnids that thrive indoors in warm, moist places, such as the insides of pillows and mattresses. They feed on dead skin that is regularly shed by humans and their pets. The harm posed to building occupants by dust mites is slight compared to other minuscule bed-dwellers, such as bed bugs.  Yet, … Read more

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The importance of testing as part of a high quality mold assessment and mold inspection…

In addition to air testing, when necessary, mold lift and swab sampling is used to scientifically identify what mold is growing. Some mold assessment professionals may tell you that testing is not necessary, however, I encourage testing on all mold assessment projects and here’s why: A true scientist will collect all levels of available data to … Read more

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Insurance companies and your mold problem! Did they do their job?

I’ve had the unfortunate experience of conducting mold assessments and inspections for clients who had experienced an insurance claim within the recent past such as a pipe break, hot water tank leak or even septic backups into their home (gross). For most of these people they are not experienced with flood response or even what … Read more

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